Disconnecting Is The New Luxury
Photographed by Jubei Raziel
I cannot tell you how often I get a strange or confused look whenever I mention I’m not on social media. Every once in a while, someone might admit envy when they discover I’m not on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Snap, etc. Some ask, why, out of sheer fascination. My reasoning remains far from anything profound or conspiratorial, nevertheless, I share them hoping it may help those seeking to achieve a more connected and healthier way of living.
“Eh. It’s just not my thing” is my typical go-to response whenever discussions surrounding social media arise, but this wasn’t always the case. I’ve tried all of the social media platforms at some point or another. Sure, they helped me “connect” in certain respects, but I never found life any more rewarding. What I invited , if anything, was an enormous number of distractions and anxieties. Social Media isn’t much beyond constant superfluous content and irrelevant information accompanied with an onslaught of notification alerts on your mobile device. My ability to focus and concentrate—even over simple tasks became entirely derailed. It didn’t take long to notice a disturbing trend over the digitization of modern living.
We don’t live productive lives. We live distracted ones.
I use a smartphone like most people. It effectively meets my everyday needs with convenience; No complaints. However, every once in a while, I can’t help but think back to when I was younger and there were no mobile devices around, few had computers — let alone — internet, and I find myself wondering how we ever got by without current technology or the “Internet of Things.” It’s bizarre comparing what was then to what is now…like observing two contrasting lives. One analog, the other, digital.
Half of my life was ruled by bike riding with friends, scraping around for materials to build a clubhouse in the backyard, writing letters to pen pals (remember the taste of stamps?), reading Encyclopedia Britannica, helping mom cut out coupons for food shopping, trading baseball cards, supper with the family at the table, and who can forget TV time. Most homes only had one television, and if you had it good, there was also a VCR. Life now? It’s overwhelmingly ruled by hyper connectivity to smartphone apps, computers, games, smart televisions, etc., along with the constant search for WiFi and outlets to recharge depleting batteries.
We’ve come a long way in a short amount time with technology. As a kid, I envied Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise for his small communication device and Dick Tracy for his wristwatch. I never imagined that one day I would own things that surpassed them; things once considered science fiction. But I do. Most of us do. It’s an incredible testament to human achievement. Technology is exciting, fast-paced, and continues to impress, but somehow, I still found myself searching for something more, something compelling perhaps. It’s strange. I seemed to have everything I wanted, but I still felt disconnected. The thing I discovered that was missing all along was…me.
It happened so elusively I can’t even pinpoint the moment when it occurred, when technology overwhelmed everything.
Photographed by Jubei Raziel
I began trying to figure out when going out to play manhunt was replaced by online group chats; When chilling with friends was replaced by online gaming, and when long conversations were replaced by texting. Long gone are the days when our homes had that one rotary telephone everyone shared. And whenever you received that “special call,” you ran into the bathroom stretching out that curled cord to the max just to get some privacy. It may be silly, but I treasure those moments. I believe what’s missing is the human component, the essence of ourselves in everything we do now. The weight, texture, and patience that comes with analog interactions. The nuances of expression and energy. The unpredictability of tactile living is something that cannot be forged digitally. Nevertheless, it’s become replaced by technology.
We don’t visit anyone anymore because we can just video chat; We don’t write letters to see how our friends and family are doing because we can just click on their latest status on social media; We don’t talk to anyone because we can just text. We’ve allowed technology to replace the things that enrich life, give us meaningful human connection.
We’ve never been closer and further apart from the world and each other. The solution may be found in unmitigated self-awareness.
I needed to restore a sense of equilibrium in my life. Technology has its place and time, but it’s not required…particularly for significant living. I’ve heard people admit that if they lost their phone, they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves; They’d go crazy, or, feel naked and outright panic. Has our identity, confidence and dependency gone from our organic selves to the devices we own?
As a result, I’ve actually started to leave my mobile device at home during non-working hours/days, and not binge-watch shows for extended times. I will also only use the Internet when necessary — in efforts to prevent me from disconnecting from myself. It’s unfortunate these basic practices are considered impossible for many people, but this is how my focus, priorities and productivity survive. And the results have been extraordinary.
We need to simplify our everyday habits and stay sharp on the things that keep us effective and efficient. It allows meaning and purpose to transpire.
Eliminating “additives” and digital distractions yields focused flow. You’ll generate productivity that propels you. We have to appreciate how much time and energy is precious. I cannot believe the decision to get rid of the fragmentation digital culture manufactures came from rediscovering childhood memories. Nonetheless, this is all about qualitative living. Something I longed for and took decisive action on. I refuse to sabotage myself any further. Maybe you privately desire to do the same.
Looking back, my only gripe is that I did not do this sooner. Days have become more meaningful and peaceful now that I can accomplish tasks and meet goals without anything threatening my time, energy and progress. There’s something powerful, authentic and pure about moving through life this way. Call me old fashioned, but this is the movement my spirit loves.
Photographed by Jubei Raziel
It’s time for radical awakening and evolutionary emergence. Will you be the person spending their life watching the projected lives of others, or, the person living deeply without digital addiction and constant detachment?
As a conclusion, I would like to leave you with words to meditate upon:
“This is the paradox of our times.
We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers
Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints
We spend more, but we have less.
We have bigger houses, but smaller families
More conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees, but less sense
More knowledge, but less judgment
More experts, but more problems
More medicines, but less wellness.
We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values.
We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often
We have learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We have added years to life, but not life to years.
We’ve been all the way to the moon and back
But have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.
We have conquered outer space, but not inner space.
We’ve cleaned up the air but polluted our soul.
We’ve split the atom, but not our prejudice.
We’ve higher incomes, but lower morals.
We’ve become long on quantity but short on quality.
These are the times of tall men, and short character.
Steep profits, and shallow relationships.
These are the times of world peace, but domestic warfare,
More leisure, but less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition.
These are the days of two incomes, but more divorces.
Of fancier houses, but broken homes.
It is a time when there is much in the show window, and nothing in the stockroom.
A time when technology can bring this letter to you,
And a time when you can choose,
Either to change… or just hit, delete.”
- Dr. Bob Moorehead